The hottest week
As happens every year, we are flooded with various types of campaigns for the Warmste Week of Studio Brussel, around the month of November. All of Flanders seems to be committed to its good cause. We too felt motivated to organise a campaign for one of the many charities in Flanders. The brainstorming soon commenced. Many proposals were made - some better than others. We had to sell something, preferably an item that people could actually use, which had to be related to our washing machines. Quite a few 'gegoogle' resulteerde in het idee om houten wasknijpers te bedrukken. Fortunately, De Kleine Drukker in Eeklo was able to meet our large demand.. What follows is a phone call with them, a design of our pegs and an order of 3000 clothes pegs (certainly ambition was not lacking). The packaging was also ordered the same day, and our stickers were designed and ordered. We were off to a good start .

DVC Holy heart
When setting up a campaign for De Warmste Week, you always choose a good cause to which all proceeds will go. We preferred a local charity since we are located in Deinze. The Heilig Hart Service Centre in Deinze provides support to mentally disabled young people and adults. Many employees dedicate themselves every day to those who really need the extra support. For us therefore, the choice was quickly made. The best moment during this campaign so far has been that phone call in which you can say: "We are raising money for the Warmste Week and chose your undertaking as a charity". The amazement, the gratitude and the good wishes on the other end of the line are already giving us so much satisfaction, but above all the enthusiasm to go full steam ahead!

The Warmest Clothes Pegs
We were finally able to begin by Friday, 29 November. De Kleine Drukker printed out the first thousand clothes pegs in three working days. The first load of clothes pegs therefore arrived in perfect time, the bags had already arrived and the stickers were ready for affixing. The result was great! Our campaign for the Warmste Week was now officially underway. All employees at the office in Deinze and our salesmen on the road could now start distributing our clothes pegs. We were very curious about how much money we would be able to collect with our campaign. Would you like to support us? Send an email to marketing@ldlnv.be. Be sure to follow us on social media to keep track of our campaign.