Industrial washer and dryer for student housing

Special Provisions for Student Accommodations
As a manager of a large student residence, you strive to provide your residents with the option to do their laundry within the complex. For students, it is usually impractical to take their laundry home each week. In addition, the advanced payment systems from LDL Equipment can provide you with a source of income by offering this additional service to your residents. It is highly recommended to choose professional or industrial washing machines and dryers. LDL Equipment is happy to explain why these devices are more advantageous than standard household machines. In addition to washing machines and dryers, we also have various types of ironing equipment in our range.

Benefits of Industrial Washing Machines and Dryers
A major advantage of industrial washing machines and dryers is their lower total cost of ownership compared to household appliances. These machines are more robust, have a longer operational lifespan before needing to be replaced, and execute programs faster. Clothes come out of the machine not only clean but also fully dry from the dryer, eliminating the need to hang up clothing. This is ideal for student housing, where space to hang laundry is often scarce.
Consider also the various extras that LDL Equipment can offer you. For example, soap dispensers, which make it necessary for students to use their own detergent, prevent different types of detergent from ending up in the same machine. A payment system is also recommended, where students can pay directly at the machine with their debit card, or via a central payment machine in the room.
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Why LDL Equipment?
LDL Equipment works closely with you! Our consultants visit your student housing to map out your needs. Do you prefer multiple models with a smaller drum, or would you rather have one large washing machine? Based on your preferences, we propose a total package, including a combination of an industrial washing machine, a dryer, soap dispensers, and possibly a payment system.
You can rely on our technical service for the delivery and installation of the devices. Our technical service is also available to assist you in case of malfunctions or if you have questions about the use of the devices. Would you like to know more now? Please feel free to contact us, we are happy to provide you with more information.